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Rosalyn R. Tippett said...

Those are some pretty amazing shots. Did your hubby buy you that SLR you have been wanting? By the way, I had no idea driving below the speed limit was an inherited trait. I thought for sure Todd did that just to make me anxious.

kristi said...

ha ha! ryan and i have a little joke...i tell him that i'd like to stick my head out the window to catch a little breeze but we aren't going fast enough. he tells me to shut up. okay...so it is only funny to the two of us.

no...i think i am going to have to buy that slr myself and soon. sigh. :-)

The Lembcke's said...

Wow, what a fun summer the Ryan Tippett and Co have had!! You all know where the fun places are to visit! How exciting! Thank you, by the way for stopping by. I heard that it might had been you by the description. I think you had just missed me. I work from 1-8 m-w and 6-1 f. Stop by again when you have a chances and I'll make ya a yummy coffee! Hope you all are doing well!! Love the family pictures!!

Log home living said...

Oh my--you two really are getting around!--wow! Teachers learn that summers are for doing--cuz pretty soon, it's all over but the shoutin!
Luv your blog! email me what you're doing this fall--intervention stuff or getting to be "mom"?