Thanks so much to the gang for loving on the kids! It was our longest camping trip to date and the verdict is in - we really like camping! Ryan spent the week golfing, napping and frolicing in the lake with the kids. Okay, I suppose he spent a few hours working but it doesn't really count when you're lounging under a gazebo on a beautiful beach. Ryker decided he was old enough to swim to the dock (about 50 yards out) without a life vest AND without informing the parents of this decision. He made it just fine and spent the rest of the week reminding us that he could swim with the big kids. Emerson, our girlie girl, wasn't sure about the sand at first. By Friday, she was laying on her belly making sand angels. She spent the week pilfering snacks from random sunbathers. Only one old lady seemed to mind when Em took off with her knitting project, unraveling a long line of yarn in the process. I spent the week cooking, cleaning and watching kids. Not really! :-) I finished several books and magazines and on one occasion, without realizing, floated so far from the beach that it took a half hour to paddle back. In addition, we took daily walks to the candy store, played a serious game of softball, spent way too many hours filling up water balloons, enjoyed a collaborative dinner of delicious hors d'oeurves, roasted hotdogs and marshmellows on the beach, sang camp fire songs and most of all, enjoyed the company of family and friends. Thanks, Glenda, for watching the kids on our anniversary and for inviting us over for a seriously gourmet meal! Looking forward to next year.
3 days ago
Your family has had the best summer ever!!! So many fun trips and so much family time, how can you go wrong? Congratulations on 8 years. time really does fly by!
funny thing, michelle...i'm planning on staying home ALOT more next summer. that said, yes! we love spending time with family and friends. we just need to pace ourselves a little better because i need a vacation from our summer vacation!
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