The Leukemia and Lymphoma Yard Sale Benefit went great! Friday was crazy busy. Saturday started out slow. You've heard of political sign wars, I'm sure. Apparently there are also yard sale sign wars and because we're a little naive, it took us the better part of two hours to figure out that someone had kicked our signs over. They had hefty rocks in them and there is just no way the wind knocked them over. We sent Case out to investigate and before he'd even returned from righting our signs, cars were streaming in. It was all made okay when a man and his wife offered to haul all remaining items away. Perfect! Thanks so much for everyone's help and donations! And to those who donated so generously at the kids' lemonade stand. Perhaps their success was due less to generousity and more to Ryker taking the bills and saying, "Thanks. We don't do change." :) I doubt it though. Everyone I saw left with a smile on.
3 days ago
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