The holidays were lovely and we are glad so much of our family was able to meet Piper Elly. I did another pathetic job of documenting the holiday. I had forgotten how many hours of each day are spent feeding a newborn! We enjoyed Christmas Eve at Doug and Jill's home - Santa had all kinds of room to land his sleigh and delighted seven of the eight kiddos in attendance with gifts. Ryker was pretty disgusted that Santa hadn't gotten the memo regarding Piper's birth and as a result, Santa had to do some scrambling to make sure there were a few gifts in Piper's stocking the following morning. Thank goodness for instant messaging! Christmas morning we cozied up in our home and later, Marlene whipped up a delicious Christmas supper. We enjoyed visitors from the Schimdt, Thompson, Tippett, VanBatavia, VanNortwick, Hewitt and Good families - all had to travel and we love them for it! Before we knew it, we were ringing in the New Year (sometime around 10 o'clock). Best wishes to all for 2011!
I have oodles of pictures of family loving on Piper and not much else. Ah well - she will look at her baby book and know that she was loved from the very beginning!
I love the last picture of Emerson - she was sad to learn her cousins from Dallas would be boarding an airplane and flying home to Dallas the following day. Campbell and Caroline are really special to us all!
3 days ago
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