Because I'm not digging sitting in front of the computer for more than a few minutes at a time these days, our holiday fun is going to have to be posted over the course of the next several weeks. That, and I have big plans this month to do as little as possible so I won't have anything else to post anyway.
Mount Baker provides a beautiful backdrop for skiing. The lifts however, are painfully slow. How is it possible that a ski hill with 8 lifts not have even one high speed quad? Regardless, skiing with the cousins was a treat. I've always known cousin Amy is as frugal as our grandmother (Yes YOU, Aim!) but not stopping for lunch just to squeeze every minute out of a lift ticket is beyond frugal! :)
Would you know that in a few years Dad gets to ski for free? I guess they don't expect many 65 year-olds to be hittin' the slopes. Dad points his skis down the hill and stops for nothing...and nobody! His ski adventures usually end with a bang (or crash) and this one was no different. He made it until two, when he pulled up covered in white and announced he'd slipped on a little patch of ice. That can really hurt at age 59 and as many miles per hour! He sipped hot chocolate at the lodge for the remaining two hours. Does anyone know where I can purchase a governor for skis? Dad's never going to make it to 65 otherwise. Tee hee.
I'd like to take this moment to gloat, I mean apologize, to these fine people for thoroughly schooling them in Balderdash. It was inconsiderate of me. I am sorry. Next time I will attempt not to win by such an embarrassing margin. :) Thanks Aunt Sue! Your enchiladas are exceptionally good.
3 days ago
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