We fell in love again today, as we watched our baby's heart beating. This untimely but very welcome addition to our family is due the 22nd of December. I thought the news of a baby sister or brother would be enough to talk the kids out of a pet (they've been begging for months) but no such luck. And at dinner this evening, Ryker informed our friends that he wanted a new sister. "Another sister would be really nice!" they agreed. "Not another sister!" he corrected. "A new sister." Needless to say, Ryker is hoping for a boy. Em is not particular regarding gender, so long as the baby likes pink. They both are going to be a big help come December! They both are going to be a big help... If I say it over and over maybe it will be true!?! In just a few weeks, I hope to wake up free of nausea, energized and motivated. Maybe then I'll post some pics of our latest adventures. For now, serving my family something other than cold cereal is enough of an adventure for me.
PS. I totally see Ryan in this pic. At first I thought it was Elmer Fudd but he and I haven't been intimate.
PSS. To Fred and Carol, Instead of receiving a check for the use of your lovely condo 10 short weeks ago, you can now expect a bill. :) :)
3 days ago
Congrats Kristi and Ryan! We love you guys.
That is GREAT news!!! Congratulations!
Oh dear sweet Kristi (and Ryan-he just won't want to be called sweet!) How wonderful~ and how lucky is baby to join this family. Look forward to your wonderful posts once the ship stops rockin'!
Oh wow! this is great- Can't wait to hear more from all the troops and things progress along. Big huge congratulations!
Congrats, Congrats, Congrats!!! =)
yay!!!!!! :)
Congrats you guys. Can't wait to meet him/her.
Wonderful news...except for the not feeling great part (we'll pray that ends soon)! Congratulations!! :)
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