...or walk. Maybe even crawl. This baby has changed a few things (contrary to some expert opinion, running does not help pregnancy induced nausea) but not the important ones! I am going to finish this race (click to learn more) one way or another. And we are still fundraising for an excellent cause. I committed to raising $2500 to fund blood cancer research and thanks to family and friends, I'm almost there. This coming weekend, I have organized a neighborhood yard sale to benefit The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Many generous friends have already donated items to be sold but our driveway is huge and I have room for several more tables. So if you've done some spring cleaning or are in need of doing a little summer cleaning, I'd love to turn your gently used items into money I can run with. ;) So call, txt, email, or face book me. I'll buzz right over and pick up your stuff. How easy is that?!! And if you'd like to make a cash donation to LLS, please click on the TEAM logo on the side of this post and it will take you directly to my secure fundraising web page. It is quick, easy, and can be anonymous if you wish. Don't forget to print a reciept. THANKS SO MUCH!!!
Yard Sale on Saturday the 19th at 7:00. Early birds welcome!!!
3 days ago
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