We had a great time in California but missed Ryan terribly. I get the impression that he is as glad to have us home as we are to be here. Thank you for that, babe, and for letting us go! Our kids are great travelers but this was an eventful vacation. We spent 4 late night hours in emergency as I just won't take a chance with Em's fevers again. Another couple of hours were wasted in urgent care to tend to a rash - possibly an allergic reaction to pennicilin prescribed by the EM doc for an imaginary ear infection. Yeesh! The airlines will be replacing Ryker's lost booster seat (we're still waiting on reimbursement for the damaged stroller from our trip in December). Ryker and I were booked on different flights for the connecting trip home. The airline was happy to fix this error but while I was preoccupied, Ryker fed Emerson "just a few peanut M&M's". Like maybe five or ten. He couldn't say for sure. Ah well, all is well that ends well! We're tan, not-so-rested and happy to be home!
3 days ago
Looks like you all had a ton of fun in the SUN!! I'm jealous! I'm ready for our cruise and the warm weather!! We are going to visit SeaWorld in Orlando a couple days before the cruise....glad to see all the fun and activities a person can particiapte in! Em's is SO adorable!!! I can't believe how fast Ryker is growing, either! Time flies when you are having fun, i guess!
Aww---loved your trip pics!! Sunshine in winter is good for what ails us!!
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