I have found my dream retirement location. Well...it will be added to the list. La Jolla, just ten minutes north of San Diego, is perfect. Mom found a great little hotel near the beach - a century old but beautifully restored. Two entire walls of our suite had windows to the ocean. Ryker was impressed by the bellhops who drove us to dinner in a little golf cart. We walked to one of many beaches to play and on the way observed the seals that return each year to mate and calve. Sadly, these beaches are open to the public and every so often someone (probably a tourist) gets too close. Pups are frequently abandoned as a result. This one pictured was minutes old. We had a delightful breakfast at another century old hotel with an amazing picture window to the ocean. I'm picturing a romantic very weekend with my honey next year.
3 days ago
You could go there again for a romantic weekend with your hubby, but you could also go there again for a shopping weekend with your sister-in-law. Think it over. Rosalyn
Or maybe both? I bet the grandmas would watch the kiddos and the four of us could get away. Let's keep it in mind. K
If the Grandmas can't, I will!
Hey, Jenna! Will we be seeing the weekend of May 10? Hope so! How are you anyway? I think you should start a blog so we can picture you there in the city. Would love for you to visit and watch the kiddos! Anytime. :-)
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