I have some great pics (Thank you, Norita!) from Musser's Harvest Party. I just can't post them yet.
We bought a new computer, you see, and it is currently a mess. My den is a mess. My laundry room is a mess. My life is a mess and it's all because of a stupid computer. In fact, a few seconds ago, a blinding flashing screen popped up out of nowhere to inform me that windows would be shutting down immediately in order to reconfigure. I was not to turn off the computer, blink or even breathe for the duration of the reconfiguration process. Come on, Hp. Don't make me regret not buying a Mac!
I've spent some time in front of a Mac. I've talked to Macs on a real personal level and remain unconvinced they're superior. Why throw the baby out with the bath water, man? I like change...when it's BETTER! I can't help it. It's a left over reaction to working for an administrator who jumped on every silly band wagon that came along. We'd get good at something and BAM! She'd move on just like that. I now view all change with scepticism first. Convince me, I say! Convince me this change is going to make my life better. Convince me that my life will be better in ways that make this kind of change worth the money and effort it will require. If I read my return policy correctly, I've got 60 days to throw this baby back. And I don't mind being wrong. Occasionally. :) Now this blog gets upwards of 100 hits per week. I don't have a clue who you are or why you'd bother reading it but I'm hoping some of you lurking out there in cyberspace care enough to comment on this particular post! Pretty please? I'm begging.
Those Harvest Party pics coming real soon. I think.
3 days ago
Mac? I hated them - got annoyed every time someone had one and I had to use it. Then i got into some classes where i used one every day. It's the only type of computer that we've had in the house for 5 years now and there's not a chance i would go back :) Biggest fan :) But it probably does depends on what you use your computer for too...
Ugh, only 1 comment all day!? Who are these 100 viewers!? J/K ;) Here are my thoughts. I am NOT a fan of change. Macs? Well, they confuse me...I don't even own an ipod--ipod and Mac/Apple work together right? Anyway, I have an HP laptop and after about 2.5 years it's now on a respirator. I can't keep it unplugged for more than 4 minutes. My vote is that if the HP is giving you issues already-take it back and get a Dell or Visio (sp?). There you go! Super helpful huh?
i'll preface this by saying i'm not a computer geek & really don't know anything about them.
i love my mac! it is always super fast & i've had it for year & it hasn't given me any trouble. (knock on wood!) & when I say fast, I do mean fast! :)
Hi Kari! Thanks for reading AND posting. I was wrong. I have exactly 8 more days to throw this baby out. ;) Hope to see you for Specials!!!
And Jenna, I have no idea who those 100 viewers are. I may have to upgrade my blog patrol and find out. ;) Kidding - because I refuse to pay for any service regarding this blog. And it doesn't really matter anyway.
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